Mental Health Awareness: Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Mental health awareness: Taking care of your mental health

"Health is not merely the absence of disease, it is the balance of mind body and soul"

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of emotional, psychological and social well-being, which can be affected by life events, relationships, and day-to-day stressors. Mental health has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we deal with stress, interact with people, and make decisions. Good mental health is essential throughout life, from childhood, adolescence to adulthood.

No matter what life throws at us, it’s important to be conscious of our mental health and practice self-care. It’s easy to let small issues build up to the point that they have a big impact on our wellbeing, so making sure to take time out for yourself is key. It doesn’t matter what that looks like – whether it’s going to the gym, reading a book, or even streaming a show – as long as it allows you to focus on your own mental health and wellness.

Mental health is important for overall well-being, impacting our physical health, job performance, and social relationships. Taking care of our mental health should be prioritized like any other aspect of our health. While we may all experience the occasional bad day, if those days become more and more frequent and affect our ability to live our lives, it may be time to seek professional help.

Ignoring mental health issues only leads to worse struggles down the road. Getting help can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Don’t forget, there is no shame in reaching out for assistance when it comes to your mental health!

Everyone has mental health needs that should be taken into consideration when managing stress and building healthy coping skills. Achieving positive mental health should be a priority for everyone. We all have mental health needs that should be addressed and incorporated into our lives to manage stress and build healthy coping skills. Mental health assessment, understanding our own personal needs and creating a plan for wellbeing is essential for all of us.

Signs of Poor Mental health

 Mental health awareness: Taking care of your mental health

  • Sleep or appetite changes — Dramatic sleep and appetite changes or decline in personal care.

  • Mood changes — Rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or depressed feelings, greater irritability.
  • Withdrawal — Recent social withdrawal and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed.
  • Drop in functioning — An unusual drop in functioning, at school, work or social activities, such as quitting sports, failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks.
  • Cognitive Issues — Problems with concentration, memory or logical thought and speech that are hard to explain.
  • Increased sensitivity — Heightened sensitivity to sights, sounds, smells or touch; avoidance of over-stimulating situations.
  • Apathy — Loss of initiative or desire to participate in any activity.
  • Feeling disconnected — A vague feeling of being disconnected from oneself or one’s surroundings; a sense of unreality.
  • Illogical thinking — Unusual or exaggerated beliefs about personal powers to understand meanings or influence events; illogical or “magical” thinking typical of childhood in an adult.
  • Nervousness — Fear or suspiciousness of others or a strong nervous feeling.
  • Unusual behavior — Odd, uncharacteristic, peculiar behavior.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

 Mental health awareness: Taking care of your mental health

It is important to practice self-care and make time for activities that help reduce stress. After all, wellness of mind is just as important as wellness of body. Whether it’s taking a break from work to go for a walk or socializing with friends, carving out some time to focus on mental health can make all the difference. Give yourself permission to take care of your mental health and you’ll be well on your way to achieving wholeness.

Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and connecting with friends and family can all contribute to better mental health. That’s why it’s important to take extra steps to care for your mental health. Find a calming activity that works for you, such as sports, meditation, or journaling, so you give yourself the time and space to process your thoughts. When you take part in activities that nourish your mind, it will help put you in a better mental state. So even on the toughest days, remember that there are things you can do for your mental health.

Mental health affects everyone differently, but it’s important to take it seriously and seek help if needed. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial for managing mental health issues. They can help us cope with mental health problems and provide us the guidance to build better mental health. They can also advise on ways to reduce stress and anxiety in day- to-day life, as well as recommend appropriate mental health treatment or medication if necessary. Taking mental health seriously is key to maintaining a healthy mental state. Taking the step to seek help is a sign of strength and can lead us on the path of success.

The Benefit of Mental Health Awareness

 Mental health awareness: Taking care of your mental health

An increased understanding of mental health issues can help us to better understand how to recognize and respond to them in ourselves and others. With the right knowledge and support, everyone can enjoy wellness. Mental health awareness is an integral part of understanding that wellness comes from being mindful of our own feelings, thoughts, and emotions as well as being compassionate towards others.

Knowing the signs, symptoms, and triggers associated with mental health issues can increase our capacity to support those having difficulties and provide valuable insight into the best ways to take care of ourselves. Let’s keep in mind that wellness always begins with understanding.

Mental health awareness also helps reduce the stigma associated with mental health, making it easier for people to seek help when they need it. A greater understanding of the topic can help create supportive environments where everyone feels comfortable being open and honest about their emotional wellbeing. By having open conversations about our emotional states, we can all work together to support each other and create a society that works to normalize mental health issues.

Be it attending a support group, therapy or medication, spreading awareness takes us one step closer to breaking down the stigma of mental health and helping people get access to the resources they need.

Where to Get Help

 Mental health awareness: Taking care of your mental health


  • Niskize(24/7) : 0900620800/ 0718227440
  • Befrienders Kenya: 0722178177/ 0718227440/ 0900620800
  • Emergency Wellness Kenya Foundation: 0800723253
  • CBT Kenya: 0756454585
  • Mental Wellness Kenya: 0717234621
  • Hopewell: 0717296375


It’s no secret that pharmacy is a demanding profession, and it can take a huge toll on one’s mental health. To avoid being overwhelmed by the stress of the job, it is important to make sure you are taking care of yourself both professionally and personally.  

We should all take time to care for our own mental health, and to be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental illness, as well as the resources and help available. With everyone on board, we can strive to promote understanding and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

It’s time to start recognizing that mental health problems are just as important as physical ones. It’s only through proper understanding and acceptance that we can make sure those affected by mental health issues are supported, so let’s all do our part to help make the world a better place by educating ourselves on this important subject.

What are your thoughts on todays topic? What steps are you taking to achieve positive mental health? Kindly share and comment down below. Also check out our previous blog post  if you haven’t already.



  1. Being a mental health champion am impressed by this article .
    Thumps up . It’s true that making movement, mindfulness, meaningful engagement, and mastery be part of one’s life, is a way to live fully despite the challenges we face.

    “Even the strongest bows break ” It’s high time to fight stigma surrounding mental health .

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